miercuri, 27 iulie 2011

Aburi de somn

Esti un abur schimbator, nu lasi nici o pata
Te inalti usor, spre alta dorinta
Usor ca o umbra, adiere de viata- senina.

Din pamant, te-mbie, si te cheama, te poarta,
Spre ea inoti prin flori- un abur
Dorinta zambeste sub teama.

Firul se-ndoaie, dar tremura undele
Prind rasuflarea tarzie- scanteie
De viata, se-aprinde.

O trecere lina, de flacari umbrita
Urzeste- se scalda-n siroaie de ceata
Cantece surde.

Sub faurul somn, aburul se ridica
Inalta chemarea- abur de sticla
Si simte.

Fantoma Sirenei

Am zarit prin spuma fantoma sirenei,
Prin val cu ochii de sticla topea noaptea.
O forma ca mierea curgea printre tarmuri
Cu gura deschisa, un tunet soptea.
Aprinsa ca luna, de-un soare sub ape
Lucea fara viata, strapunsa de raze.
Pe buze negre ii tremura gandurile
Boabe de noapte picurate pe-un val.
Fantoma sirenei cheama furtuna
Parul ei scalda nisipul uscat.
Solduri de solzi se unesc si sa sparg
Ceata marii se ridica, de la stanci pana in larg.
Navoadele rupte plutesc,
Lumini de sub sangele marii
Zambesc spre un cer rascolit.
E singura unda pe-o mare-nghetata
Sirena-i o vraja, fantoma e moarta.

joi, 30 iunie 2011


Imi tremura sufletul, si tremur si eu de dorul lui,
Iar lumea mea e mult prea luminoasa, caci Noaptea mi-a murit de mult,
Si mi-a murit si moartea, dar asta n-o stim decat tu...si eu,
Raman sa bantui campuri
Urzind din umbra vechilor stafii,
Un suflet nou, mai mult decat nemuritor.
Si-apoi, intr-o viitoare zi, o regasesc, mai neagra decat o stiam:
"Tu cine esti?" ma-ntreaba Noaptea,
"Nu sunt decat un suflet vesnic calator".

marți, 28 iunie 2011

I see the mirror and its edges, I see the watery shine,
I see the smothness of the surface, the liquid vanity inside,
All that you see is what you cannot explain
Deep behind the serene there's a turmoil and plague,
I am what I should be, or am I not?
It depends on what you choose to see
The way to free yourself of scars:
Just break the glass, place the mirror in your eyes;
What hides behind the silver dust?
Is that really you, or is it someone else,
Is that true? The mirror knows best
I touch the hard skin of its frame and hope to fall
Some place behind the glaze
I'm still here, I press my lips against, mine,
There she is, the other me, a twin watching my every move
Reflecting a shell, does she have a soul?
Mimetic ghoul or astral kin,
Feels like I've lost a part of me inside the mirror's world,
My fingers trace the shape of the outside,
And a cold touch greets them,
On the surface of the mirror, I see myself, changing.

I'll take a piece and place it in your hand,
That way you'll have me forever,
Embeded in the shifting wave.

miercuri, 22 iunie 2011

My new Polyvore account

My new Polyvore account. Random nonsense and silly clothes.

The Starchild

We're trying so hard, to belong in a world
That never wanted us at all
We cover our bare self, with empty shells,
Empty like myself;
There's no other child, to cry my tears,
There's no solution for us
Remember me?

I am the Starchild, I am the Star
Everyone is me, and I know us all

We believe in our Gods, but they live in the stars
Our prayers get lost along the way,
Can't blame the Makers for our human traits, our evil ways, it's all the same
This land, can no longer crucify a saint,
You called for me, I am here
Remember me?

marți, 21 iunie 2011

House of tears

It's not safe inside your walls,
Does this room still flood with tears?
You've drowned in it so many times
The light outside your window
Won't bring the sun inside,
The dark corner you live in
Has room only for one.

The angels on the walls
Folded their wings and fell asleep,
Just like the pain inside your heart,
The frozen ground beneath your feet;
They're waiting for a reason,
Still waiting for the whisper,
To set creation free.

You've blindfolded your windows
And no one will see you fall,
But as you're trapped inside these walls
The sun still warms the house you sleep in,
The house of pain you've burried dreams in.

Now there's no point in trying,
The wishes have all vanished,
There's chaos all around you
You might as well embrace it,
These gates will keep no secrets.